BtoB and BtoC files for targeted and profitable multi-channel

Access to exhaustive multi-channel prospecting files on companies and consumers for impactful marketing and sales campaigns with emailing, telephone prospecting, postal mailing, SMS prospecting, etc.

Fiche prospect

Prospecting data updated daily and in compliance with legislation

Our data center, based in France, relies on official sources (INSEE, Open Data, Official Journals…) to update the information in our data warehouse. All our information strictly respects the legal framework (GDPR, Bloctel and CNIL).

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Profil client

Advice and support for your prospecting actions

Our experts by your side at every stage of your project: analysis of your customer profile, targeting of your prospects, setting up the operation, preparing supports, routing, follow-up, analysis of results.

01 44 51 66 99 Cost of a local call

Who would you like to prospect today?

Prospecter les entreprises

The Companies database

100% of companies and professionals in France. Nearly 30 years of history and exclusive criteria for your BtoB marketing actions!

Enrichissement en adresses emails


Access to 25 million email addresses of individuals and professionals for your next emailing campaigns

Base de données BtoC

Consumer database

47 million consumer profiles that can be activated for your marketing operations

Ciblage startups

New businesses

Be the first to offer your services to business creators, thanks to the New Businesses database, updated daily!

Ciblage propriétaires immobiliers

Property owners

20 million property owners, in individual or collective housing, reachable via multi-channel (SMS, email, post, telephone).

Ciblage prospects

Prospect databases

Purchase or rental of prospect databases for emailing, mail, telephone and/or SMS actions

How can you accurately ascertain the profile of your customer base?

Whether in BtoB or BtoC, you really do need to know the characteristics of your target customer base in order to be able to use them as criteria to target your prospects. This look-alike strategy (i.e., seek new profiles similar to those of an existing customer base) is a determining factor in the success of your prospecting operations and in obtaining a satisfactory ROI.

How can we rely on up-to-date and comprehensive prospecting data?

When you call upon a company specializing in the supply of prospecting files, we suggest you take a close look where the data came from (sources, suppliers), when/if/how updated, and compliance with legislation (mainly GDPR and BLOCTEL for the telephone). Data quality is a point not to be neglected in order to preserve the image and perception of your brands. In this age of social networks and GDPR, poor data can have nefarious consequences in terms of bad buzz and financial sanctions.

How can I develop and approach to set myself off from competitors?

Perfect your benchmark: it is important to use arguments that hit home when engaging with your prospects. Either you highlight your product features that are better than your competitors, or you provide a better level of service or you beat the competition on price.

How to set up original marketing systems?

As always, you want to set yourself off from the crowd. You want to be seen or heard in spite of the array of messages conveyed by the brands every day. Another important point is to test your campaigns and their impact, for example via A/B testing for emailing. Capitalize on the messages that trigger the most openings and clicks.

How can you personalize your communications?

With the information you have, customize your approach for greater impact. In BtoB, the name of the company or contact person. In BtoC, courtesy title, surname or first name.

How can you develop a geomarketing approach?

If you have points of sale or stores, you will need to take into account your commercial sectors or catchment areas in order to have an approach that is relevant and that takes ROI in account. Personalize your communications with the nearest point of sale to generate traffic and leads.

Put data at the heart of your business strategy

01 44 51 66 99 Cost of a local call
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