health professions database
shared directory of health professionals

22 health professions with details by specialty

The Listing has 309,000 professionals (liberals).

A multi-channel file rich in targeting criteria

Maximize the impact of your multi-channel campaigns by targeting your core target using a wide range of criteria.

  • Courtesy title, First name, Last name

  • Title

    doctor or teacher
  • Occupational Category

    civilian, military, student
  • Health Professions

    Doctor, dentist, midwife, nurse...
  • Specialty

    General Medicine, Psychiatry, Anesthesia, Cardiology, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Gastro, Dermatology, Pneumology...
  • Communication channel

    Postal, landline or mobile phone, fax
  • Headcount

  • Date of Creation

  • Legal category

Official sources

The file comes from the SIRENE (INSEE) company database enriched with business elements provided by Open Data.

The Listing has all the Company registration numbers.

The data are updated every day.

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