Works Councils Listing, Works Councils Contacts
Works Councils Listing

Contact Details for Works Councils in France

The listing is created from the official Works Council source (leading listing of its type in France) and from our Companies Database. The Listing federates 95% of works councils for companies, in France with over 50 employees, and come with at least one named contact person (secretary, treasurer, committee managers, etc.).

Thanks to the numerous processes carried out by the IDAIA Group (company registration numbers, postal standardization, geocoding), you have the most reliable and complete list of works councils on the market to carry out all your prospecting operations:

  • Postal Mailing
  • Phoning
  • Fax mailing
  • Emailing
Info Culture Data

BILLION PER YEAR. IS THE BUDGET ALLOCATED TO WORKS COUNCILS IN FRANCE. discover our tips to successfully reach out to Works Councils

  • 1Search, identify and directly touch the key contact person in the company:

    Benefit from the advice of our experts to contact Works Councils and their managers directly: president, secretary, treasurer of the works council. Get all the information and advice you need to set up your prospecting operations. Select Works Councils by region, city, postal code and get tailor-made lists with: contact person’s name, position within the committee, company name, registration number, postal addresses, telephone, email, fax, membership, etc.

  • 2Access to a database of more than 30,000 works councils (CE, COS, CAS, Assocations, Clubs)

  • 3Communicate directly: 55,000 emails from Works Councils contacts all over France

Above and beyond the strategic information provided, we can also work with you to run your marketing campaigns aimed at Works Councils. It is worth bearing in mind that while the Works Councils sector has great potential, it also has its own rules. So, if you want to stand out, you have to know how to approach things.

Do you need a tailor-made list of works councils?

Our business data experts will get back to you within 24 hours.

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